“An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It’s being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don’t. It’s knowing where to go to find out what you need to know; and it’s knowing how to use the information you get.” – William Feather
RCA’s safe, structured, academic atmosphere enhances student learning for grades K-12 and postgraduate. The college preparatory curriculum builds upon mastery of the fundamentals. Students are graded quarterly, and regular awards ceremonies acknowledge student performance and academic excellence. The daily schedule reinforces RCA’s mission utilizing spiritual, academic, and athletic goals.

Spiritual – Students apply life-changing Biblical principles to every aspect of their lives.
Academic – Students maximize their learning potential with advanced students having opportunities to take advanced placement courses, dual college enrollment, and career development internships.
Athletic – Competition, teamwork, and personal discipline required for athletics are applied in all areas of a student’s life. Talented athletes have played competitively and earned full college athletic scholarships.
Course Catalog
RCA offers each student a challenging educational opportunity. RCA employs an eclectic combination of teaching methods: traditional classroom instruction, one-on-one interaction between the teacher and pupil, small group review sessions, individualized technology-based instruction, online instruction, general lectures, and the virtual classroom.
Course Offering
We offer advanced placement courses, dual enrollment college level courses, a hands-on Career Development Program, NCAA approved core courses, and a postgraduate program. RCA offers a complete educational experience that encourages students to become lifelong learners of relevant knowledge and information.